Wynn Yin

In the spirit of Simon Sinek’s TED talk “Start with Why”…


From a young age, Wynn was trained by his father to think analytically & critically, always looking for a better, more efficient way to do everyday tasks. As a child to new immigrant parents struggling to survive in the land of opportunity, Wynn learned from his parents ways to get creative and think outside the box when it came to stretching a dollar. Later, when Wynn started his own business, whether it be trying to save on taxes or ruthlessly cutting expenses, Wynn would spend hours upon hours learning & mastering “the rules game” to find hacks and loopholes. After seeking apprenticeships from multiple masters on the subject, today Wynn shares that joy & passion for “scavenging for hidden treasures” with his clients’ businesses. Through it all, the one constant that has earned Wynn the respects of clients and peers alike are his ethics and his steadfast conviction that, even & especially when it is not convenient or in his best interest, Wynn will always do right by his clients.


Wynn’s inquisitive, analytical mind and engineering background drives him to assemble solutions & deliver results that best meet the given set of parameters. As part of GenX, Wynn has the necessary life/work experience to understand & empathize with the challenges faced by entrepreneurial baby-boomers, but tech-savvy enough to leverage technology to automate well-defined processes & systems he has designed & continually refined over the years. From contributions to FOX News, to hosting a radio show called “Dollars and Sense” in the San Francisco Bay Area, to guest speaking appearances at fundraisers, continuing-education classes & community centers, Wynn can be found educating his clients and the public at large.


Wynn acts as a success partner to executives, business owners & other professionals and serves them in 3 main ways: (1) connecting them to the right people in the 2,500-member LinkedIn networking group “Networking in San Jose” which he moderates; (2) watching their bottom line by auditing & recovering various missed tax benefits and/or over-payments in operational expenses; (3) proactively overseeing & managing their current & future financial well-being so they feel & know they are well taken care of by a fiduciary. As Simon Sinek would probably point out, Wynn just happens to be in the tax consulting, cost remediation & financial services industry.

Wynn may be reached at
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